Wednesday, March 26, 2014

More Delicious Treats: Old Mother Hubbard sends treats to our cupboard & Giveaway

We received our monthly package from and were super excited to get to try the treats that were inside! With moving and the estate sale and everything, this month just flew by and we had to hurry to get this post done before it was already April! Thankfully, things should be settling down into a groove after March 28th, which is the closing date of the house. Then we will sit down and write quite a few Blog posts about all the things we've said we'd write about (the Super Pet Expo, our new house and moving, and we'll be making some new trick videos!). We have lots of things planned and can't wait to share them with you =)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Beautiful Miss Bella's sweet smile! Happy Wednesday!

Bella is entered in a couple of contests and if you have a moment to show your support, it would be greatly appreciated. Kronos is entered in one as well. You can pick one or all to help with!

Thank you so much for your support! <3

Live Every Day Like It's Your Last and Enjoy Every Moment,
Tiffany, Bella, Terra, & Kronos

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